Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Homemade White Chocolate Raspberry Ice Cream

2 single packages raspberries
2 white chocolate instant pudding (one sugar-free)
2 (8 oz) whipping cream
2 cups sugar
approx 1/2 gallon 1% milk

*I got this recipe from my SIL and she never gave me any directions, just the ingredients. And her ingredients said "milk to fill line" (and I think her ice cream maker is a 4 quart....ours is 6 quart and we figured it was about 1/2 gallon. You could probably use ANY milk, they just use 1% - we used both skim and whole, since that's what we had on hand)
*Also, since I didn't have directions I just threw everything into my ice cream maker. Big mistake. Our raspberries never mixed in, they just froze while whole. So, my suggestion is to mix EVERYTHING in a bowl, until berries are desired consistency (some like chunks, some don't) and then put into ice cream maker until done!!
* This makes a lot! Be prepared to share....or eat LOTS of yummy ice cream! Or cut the recipe in half....whatever :)

1 comment:

Gary and Mauri said...

This is so SO yummy....AND delicious! A definite MUST for the perfect summer treat! AND super easy!! So, what are you waiting for? Go make some!!