Sunday, September 30, 2012


1 ½ c. white sugar
3/4 c. buttermilk
½ c. butter
2 T. corn syrup
1 t. baking soda
2 t. vanilla extract (AFTER)

In medium saucepan stir together all ingredients. Bring to a boil for 7 minutes, stirring. Remove and add vanilla.
*You can make the buttermilk by using 1 1/2 t. lemon juice and the rest milk and letting it sit for about 10 minutes. You could also use vinegar instead of lemon juice, but I have learned that it doesn't work so great when you add baking soda to the mix. I probably should have learned that in 3rd grade. *
By the way, when I (Mauri) made this it boiled ALL over on my stove. That was not fun to clean up. So make sure you stir as you go...or use a bigger saucepan. That was my mistake.


Gary and Mauri said...

Thanks for posting this, mom! We LOVE this recipe. My kids call it "candy syrup" because that is what it tastes like :) and btw, it wasn't me that boiled it all over the stove, but my friend who I got the recipe from :)

Jolene said...

Haha - we both wanted to make sure everyone knew it wasn't US that boiled the syrup all over. Thank goodness WE are too smart for that! (hahaha)